I love cleaning day!

Cleaning the house wasn’t always my favorite thing to do (ha! It’s still not my favorite) but is has become a lot more enjoyable for two reasons:

1. Saving money: It costs next to nothing to make your own cleaners

2. It smells amazing: Using essential oils (which are anti-microbial and kill the toughest germs like Staph. and MRSA) makes the experience beneficial to my health and boosts my mood!

Here’s what I regularly use:

Carpet Freshener


1 c. baking soda

4-5 drops essential oil (citrus oils work well)


Add ingredients to mason jar (or Parmesan-type sprinkle cheese jar) and shake vigorously.

When ready to use, sprinkle all over carpets and allow to sit, at least 15 minutes, up to overnight.

Vacuum barefoot to absorb the essential oils and enjoy your fresh-smelling carpet! We have a dog that sheds a lot, and this really helps keep the carpet nice.

DSC_0007Lemon Vinegar Heavy Duty Spray

**Make lemon vinegar 2 weeks in advance by adding lemon peels to glass jar full of vinegar, shaking every couple of days**


12 oz. lemon vinegar

12 oz. water

2 drops Oregano essential oil

24-oz. empty spray bottle


Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray on tough-to-clean or especially dirty areas (like the outside of the toilet) and let sit for a few minutes. Wipe clean.

This worked well for me to remove pink mildew stains from a shower and hard water build up from around faucets, and I always use this for cleaning toilets.

Soft Scrub

Recipe found here.

This is for sinks/tubs/tile/toilets (in the bowl). It makes mine SO shiny and clean!

Air/Linen Freshener

The label on the jar says “air freshener” but I use it on the couch cushions and bed linens too.


5 drops Lime essential oil

5 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

5 drops Geranium essential oil

Water (to fill rest of 2oz glass spray bottle)


Add essential oils to jar and fill to top with water. Shake before use.

Sanitizing Wipes

Instead of Clorox wipes or something else with toxic ingredients, I make this recipe. These are awesome! I use these to clean the kitchen countertops, appliances, and table tops. I’d use a straight-edged knife instead of serrated like the recipe suggests to cut the paper towel roll though. I got this handy wipe dispenser from Omni-Wipe. I plan to use this recipe for baby wipes as well when Judi comes along in August 🙂



Air Purifier

Don’t forget to clean the air in your home! Especially in Florida we deal with mold and moisture in almost every home, not to mention odors (food, pets, etc.) and airborne toxins (cold/flu germs, pollution, etc.). Use a diffuser with essential oils to disinfect the air and kill odors. Today I diffused Grapefruit and Frankincense essential oils for healthy brain function, immune system boost, and to up my energy.

That particular diffuser is the Lotus model from my favorite company (email me to get the details). I use 5-6 total drops of essential oils (in various combinations) along with a little water. This lasts for 2 hours.

Happy cleaning! ❤ Gina